Friday, August 31, 2012

Why do we watch what we watch

This is my 1st time touch up with media literacy.
I feel like want to shout OMG because its quite confusing me.
I still try hard to catch up on this.

Frustation over communication styles can be heightened in this age of technology.
We always get more message from Internet compare to communicate face to face.
Alot of message have been spread through different channel such as newspaper,internet,radio and more.
We need different sets of skills and ability to process the message from different types of channel.
There are a few element that I can get from this movie
Let's see it !
Titanic Trailer

Titanic is a 1997 American epic romantic disaster film directed by James Cameron and its release again in 3D on 2012.
It's a hot and popular movie among us.

First, we know that this is a love movie and they are facing a criticial situation.
It will give an awareness to individual and society.
We enjoy watching this movie but did we understand and appreciate it?
We should have the ability to approach it from a variety directions and derive from it many levels of meaning.
Therefore,we will get our own meaning and make for our enjoyment or appreciation.
Besides we watch this movie,we try to understand the intent and impact of film and video conventions such as camera angles and lighting.
Otherwise meaning is made for us but the interpretation will then rest with its creator, not with us.
I'm sure this movie may touch our hearts, maybe not all of them.
But we react emotionally for pleasure does not mean they don’t have serious meanings and implications in our lives.
We can ask, “Why does this movie make me feel this way?”
Maybe you have understand the feeling that the actor show it in the movie?
Or you really get the message?

"Titanic" have show their short and splendid life,reveal the human dark side and extol infinite potential of human spirit.
It have show me the truth that we should appreciate and treasure our life.
It not just only a movie, it's also a pheomenon which have give a feeling that the dream could not be achieved in reality, especially the love story.

In a nutshell, a critical thinking skill enabling audience members to develop independent judgments about it.
Thinking critically about the content we consume is essentially media literacy.

Watch carefully,Think critically

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