Sunday, September 23, 2012


Genre is a class or category of artistic endeavor having a particular form, content, technique, or the like which have created by Aristotle and Plato.
There are alot type of genre such as genre of music, movie,dance and other.
For some other people, they may say that " No Music No Life" but for me is " No Movie No Life".
Movie are always exist around the world,the trend growth of movie is very strong due to the modern era.
There are alot of movie in the world.
I had tried not to miss any movie but it seem that I really miss alot.
Few genre of movies are action, horror, adventure, comedy, fantasy and more.
I loves any genre of movies just sometime will feel bad for some horror and thriller movie.
It's really disgusting....
For other they may love it much,it depends on each people.
There are few aspects in movies to define the genre of movies:
  • Time
  • Location
  • Hero
  • Heroines
  • Villains
  • Secondary characters
  • Plots
  • Themes
  • Costume
  • Locomotion
  • Weaponry
Let's see some example:
Resident Evil: Retribution
From the view of poster, we can know that this is genre of Action, Horror, Science-Fiction movie.

A bear?
Pee together with you?
This is a Comedy movie.

Actually genre it quite related with semiotics.
It shows some significant to society from those sign.
Lastly, we can't deny that genre really help society to define something easily.

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