Saturday, September 29, 2012

Live long enough to find the right one

Social Learning Theory
Coined by Albert Bandura in the 60s, social learning theory focuses on the learning that occurs (in real life or via media) within a social context.It considers that people learn from one another through observational learning, imitation, and modeling.


Did you still remember that we have watched few advertisement in our lecture class?
For those two advertisement it might me 18SX for some people, but it is an awareness advertisement to let the society alert about this issue, AIDS.

It has a good message and she not a quote like some of you are thinking if you would have payer attention in the beginning she was picked on by boys when she was younger. So she started off with low self esteem. Then when she entered adulthood she desperate to find Mr. Right that she meet at every man she thought was Mr.Right.At least she knew enough to protect herself.
Besides that, the second advertisement is also an awareness advertisement to society. In fact, gay and lesbian are common in every where now.I don't think that we should look down of them.We should protect ourselves when we're having sex relationship.
To be frankly, the BEST way to avoid AIDS or any sexually transmitted disease is to wait for sex after marriage and to only have one sexual partner and that is your husband/wife.

Society will alert about this issue through the observation of this ads.
It might be leave some impact in their mind.
In their unconscious mind, people will think before they do that.
This is what we say as Social Learning Theory.

On the other hand, let's know more about World AIDS Day  

World AIDS Day, observed on 1 December every year, is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection.
AIDS has killed more than 25 million people between 1981 and 2007 and an estimated 33.2 million people worldwide live with HIV as of 2007 making it one of the most destructive epidemics in recorded history. Despite recent, improved access to antiretroviral treatment and care in many regions of the world, the AIDS epidemic claimed an estimated 2 million lives in 2007 of which about 270,000 were children.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Uses and Gratifications Approach


At times, people use the mass media to create a barrier between themselves and other people or activities.
The media help people avoid certain chores that should be done; in this manner tasks might be put off or avoided entirely.

I always do that.
No matter where am I,If I'm alone, I must have earphones in my ear to listen to the music or radio.
Actually I didn't mean want to create a barrier between me and others but it just a habit.

I do that when I'm in bus, KTM and other public transport.

Did you do this? I'm the one too

Daily supply

Hmmm, I keep on learning about newspaper recently.

A newspaper is a printed publication containing news, information and advertising, usually printed on
recycled, low-cost paper known as newsprint.

Newspaper have become a daily supply in our life.
For me, my home have few of newspaper such as China Press, The Star and Sinchew in 1 day.
Actually I don't know why my dad wanna bought so much newspaper but it seem he read it everyday.
So, let it be...

The Star 

Sin Chew & China Press

To let you all know that for chinese paper have 2 edition in a day, evening edition and morning edition.
An evening newspaper is published in the afternoon (it's called "evening" because people read it when they get home from work). The reporters must finish their stories in the morning. In the afternoon, reporters work on stories for the next day.
A morning paper is published in the middle of the night. Reporters turn in their stories the afternoon before it goes to press, or evening at the latest (at least that's the way it is with small-staff papers).
For example, today is Sept of 28, you can buy a newspaper which is evening edition for tomorrow, Sept of 29. You also can buy a newspaper too which is morning edition on Sept of 29.
There are advantages and disadvantages to both. Afternoon paper often had fresher news than the morning paper because when something happened in the morning, it was in that evening's paper.
On the other hand, if something happened in the afternoon, the morning paper would publish the news first.

Due to the modern era, the way people read newspaper are extremly changed, we not only have the printed newspaper, we also have online newspaper also.
Online newspaper can be updated immediately so people would have the latest information. It also can be more interactive and include different things such as video and audio which is print newspaper have to rely on word and pictures.

My first time went for the online newspaper is because of the election. I keep on looking for the latest news and watch some video they have been provided. It's awsesome. But most of the time I still more prefer print newspaper. I can get it from my home as newspaper was needed for my family. I didn't like spend extra time on electronic devices such as Ipad, Laptop since I had used it much due to some works.

My drama teacher - The Star
my drama performance- Sin Chew

My secondary school drama society- Sin Chew

Nowadays, newspaper had become more interesting.
There are always have some game, quiz and other lifestyle news.
I ❤ newspaper.


A great experience and I have fun through the game , Taboo.
Taboo is a word guessing party game published by Hasbro in 1989.
The objective of the game is for a player to have his/her partner(s) guess the word on his/her card without using the word itself or five additional words listed on the card.

This is my 1st time to play this game but actually I had played a game is quite similar with this in Chinese version, mime game.
Taboo is a game that just can talk without actions but mime game is just can do actions without a words.
It quite challenging for me.

I admit that sometimes I quite slow to react something due to my thought process.
It is hard for me to think fast.
Once I looks on the Taboo word I really get stuck, it's difficult to knock my thought process to think out of the box.

There are also have some others board game:

Snake and Ladders


Due to the modern era, most of us more indulge with the internet.
Board games have been forgotten through the technology times.
There are many advantages of playing board games
  • stress relieve
  • development of educational skill
  • social and mental development
  • improves memory
  • best way interaction with family and friends
  • build self-confidence
There are just few of the advantages but we know that board games is really worth to play.
Lastly, I wish I could have more chance to play board games with my friends.

Let's play a game now...

Burly butcher is holding a shining knife, he is smiling to the trembling old lady and said : " Let's play a game now! I frighten you and you scream to attract the clown come down.."
Hence, the scream of the old lady can be hear at the corridor in the night.
The next day, everyone have meat to eat but there are a woman is crying because the meat is not the clown but her mother.....

Delicatessen is a  1991 French film, directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet and Marc Caro, starring Dominique Pinon and Karin Viard.
It is set in an apartment building in a post-apocalyptic France of an ambiguous time period. The story focuses on the tenants of the building and their desperate bids to survive.

It seem the human has reached of the end of the world, all of the values have changes.
People just want to survive and the only way to survival is eat the human flesh.
The butcher, Clapet, is the leader of the group which strives to keep control and balance in the apartment building. All of the people in the apartment building need to pay the rent to him and he wil provide human flesh to them too.
It really like citizen pay taxes to the goverment and government will offers some benefits to them.

Delicatessen  have show the weakness and cruel of human.
Human are selfish. They will do anything to get what they want.
 This movie didn't shown much the time and location.
It might be happened before and after Second World War in French
Before World War 2: unemployement rate, foodin short supply, grain use as currency
After World War 2: Contact lens, TV and other devices

I realize that the movie most of them are in reddish yellow tone to build up the darkness of the building.
In the end of the movie, the blue sky finally had shown since the butcher was dead. It is a hope.

My favourite part is the ryhtm from few scenes. It has been perfectly match up with the sound and scenes.

This is my first time to watch French movie. It really is a new experience for me :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Black Swan

Black Swan
Strongly recommended a movie, Black Swan.
Black Swan is a 2010 American psychological thriller and horror film directed by Darren Aronofsky and starring Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel, and Mila Kunis. 
A ballet dancer wins the lead in "Swan Lake" and is perfect for the role of the delicate White Swan - Princess Odette but slowly loses her mind as she becomes more and more like Odile, the Black Swan.
Black Swan received critical praise upon its release.
The movie receive 5 nominations in Academy Reward (Oscar) and Natalie Portman won the Best Actress too.

Nina (Natalie Portman) is a nature timid cowardly of the white swan and transform into a self-confidence wild charm of the black swan after that become a white swan once again which is on the verge of death.
Once the movie begin, a pair of ballerina feet have been showed. It's a extremly clever irony.
For those who know ballet, we know that although ballerina look nice but the feet is the pain of their heart due to the training. Therefore, their feet is deformity, it is able to be used almost ugly to describe it.
In such a beautiful shoes inside, is a pair of feet that could not be shown.

Did u realize that there are some specific colour to signify something.
White and pink represent the white swan and Nina.
Black represent the black swan, Nina's mum, Lily and Beth
Grey represent the only one actor,Thomas
It's really amazing. The director, Darren Aronofsky had tried to show some meaning by those specific colour.
Other than that, the movie theme,incident that had happened and the character always appear in our daily life but once it match up with the music and visual effects in a good time, it will repeatedly manipulating the audience's emotion.

What is perfect? A lot of people might be think of this question.
The life without regret is it perfect?
Nina pursue to be perfect and she keep on get hurt along the journey.
Due to the modern era, people live in a hustle and bustle city.
People stress while they can't achieved something they expected and some of them most likely will suffer from mental collapse.
This is not a good phenomena.
If they are too engrained and rigid, some problems may arise.

Lastly, a big congratulations in order to Natalie Portman and her longtime beau, Black Swan choreographer and ballet dancer,Benjamin Millepied, who enjoyed a wedding ceremony on Saturday in Big Sur, California.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Genre is a class or category of artistic endeavor having a particular form, content, technique, or the like which have created by Aristotle and Plato.
There are alot type of genre such as genre of music, movie,dance and other.
For some other people, they may say that " No Music No Life" but for me is " No Movie No Life".
Movie are always exist around the world,the trend growth of movie is very strong due to the modern era.
There are alot of movie in the world.
I had tried not to miss any movie but it seem that I really miss alot.
Few genre of movies are action, horror, adventure, comedy, fantasy and more.
I loves any genre of movies just sometime will feel bad for some horror and thriller movie.
It's really disgusting....
For other they may love it much,it depends on each people.
There are few aspects in movies to define the genre of movies:
  • Time
  • Location
  • Hero
  • Heroines
  • Villains
  • Secondary characters
  • Plots
  • Themes
  • Costume
  • Locomotion
  • Weaponry
Let's see some example:
Resident Evil: Retribution
From the view of poster, we can know that this is genre of Action, Horror, Science-Fiction movie.

A bear?
Pee together with you?
This is a Comedy movie.

Actually genre it quite related with semiotics.
It shows some significant to society from those sign.
Lastly, we can't deny that genre really help society to define something easily.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Forever Baraka- Life

If I'm not in Communication Course,
I believe that it's impossible to let me know about this movie - Baraka. 

Baraka is a 1992 non-narrative film directed by Ron Fricke. The title Baraka means blessing in a multitude of languages, deriving from the Arabic بركة, descending from a common Semitic ancestor and cognate to the Hebrew Baruch.

Honestly,  It's hard to tell that which scene was impressive to me, but I love this movie.
In modern life, we live in city and always busy in our life.
We just live in our own world.
Did we stop our steps and take a look around the world?
If you missed it, you might be regret in your whole life.

In a moment, I realize that all of us are just a tiny symbol in this world, like the chicks born, busy city and emphemeral nature.
Everyone have their own view to this world, not all of us will respect, appreciate to other countries religion and culture.
Look attentively around the world,
Understand the meaning of your own life,
Life flows like a river, it won't stop and return back.No matter rich or poor, happy or sad, the day still has to go. 

Don't need keep on think what the movie trying to show us, just watch and feel the greatness of universe, unlimited potential of human and nature.Thats all.

It's time to begin to reflect.Reflect on ourselves and the world.
It will become a better life :)